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Gospel Tabernacle Houston
Covenant Partners
GTD World Ministries
We would like to thank you for becoming a Partner with GTD World Ministries. It is our endeavor to share with you on a quarterly basis what the Lord is doing through your Covenant Pastor, and the rich Word that is being taught & preached here at Continued Praise Cathedral. It is of great importance to us at CPC that our connection be strong.

Through our fasting and praying for you, our partners - we would like to develop a life long connection. Pastor Dolphus & the CPC Intercessors have committed to taking the names of our partners to the Throne of Glory and proceed to lay before God on your behalf. Because you are planting a monthly seed in the Kingdom - our prayer is: needs to be met and miracles to be processed.

Through your connected planting into the ministry, you will receive:

  • Monthly note from the Pastor
  • Teaching Tape of the month
  • Placed on the mailing list of Special Events within the ministry
  • Discounted Cost of any tapes from a service you visit.
  • Special Seating during conferences, and special events.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a partner with GTD World Ministries. We take our partnership with you seriously and will work diligently to sustain our covenant

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1369 Spears Rd | Houston, TX. 77067 |