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GTD Prayer Requests : Prayer Request : Someone I know
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Someone I know

Posted: 22 February 2007 - 12:27 PM
This is a prayer request for someone I know who is experiencing change in her life and is unsure about decisions she has made. Anytime she feels like she is failing or missing something, she goes into hiding and this time I think it is hard for her to come out of. Her relationship with God is still there but she no longer wants to fellowship with the poeple of God. I try to tell her that fellowship is part of ministry but her self-doubt has her thinking about leaving in search of her career. She loves God but she feels like something is missing and that she is going nowhere. I even told her it was satan who had her tripping but she wont listen. Can you please pray for her, she would not like it if I gave her name but her initials are EJR.
Pastor Dolphus
Posted: 28 February 2007 - 04:57 PM
Dear Laquesha,

God bless you for your concern for another sister in the Lord. I am just reading your request, and I will be turning my prayer to this situation. However, please try and admonish your friend to seek out Godly counsel from her church head. You see, satan knows that, one's covering has the where-with-all to break the illusion that satan has caused them to buy into. This is the reason why, many in church will confide in everyone but the Pastor, because satan tricks them from going to their delegated authority, where they can get some real help! Tell EJR to trust God enough to know, that He has given her a Pastor after his own heart, that has been equipped to assist her in all of her battles. Tell her to confide in him/her.

I will begin immediate intercession towards this end. Be blessed!

Pastor Dolphus

GTD Prayer Requests : Prayer Request : Someone I know

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